july 8 2024

writing this part on my phone bc i’m hanging out at the coffee place where my friend works and i didn’t bring my laptop.

i’m freaking out about how to manage money again, probably because i’ve missed my pills for the last month. i tried doing what my doctor recommended to me, which is to take two pills the week before my period and then one pill regularly. and that worked well the first two times, but now i just like, don’t get a period?

occasionally i’ll have some spotting that i see after i’ve been to the bathroom but nothing comes off onto my clothes. i’ve just checked my period tracker app and apparently i have one day tracked for early june but it feels like an eternity since i’ve actually had my period, just some days where there’s just a whisper of blood i notice after i’ve peed.

long story short i’ve missed my pills for a while and it’s not going well. it never goes well. does this knowledge ever keep me taking my pills? no. i’ve learned that when you stop taking mood regulatory medications that your mood is no longer regulated like at least 10 times. and i keep doing it.

last week ish i opened animal crossing again and i hadn’t played for two years and 3 months. i remember this second island of mine i started on 1/1/22 and i played every day legit until the beginning of march.

i got into playing again, and i bout the stickers to spoof amiibo so i’m beginning to get an all cat island. pussy island, if you will. did you know raymond has an amiibo card now?? of course i had to have that little gray bastard.

but after a couple days of no issue, my switch lite started freezing and getting an orange screen. i was able to get it working again, but progressively each day i would get more freezes and now i can’t have my switch on for longer than 10 minutes, maybe less before it freezes.

i turned on the backup feature to my switch online (which i re-bought) so i don’t feel so horrible. but i was getting so much joy from animal crossing and happy home paradise that now that it’s broken i feel kind of… idk and i’ve been thinking about having a normal switch, bc after 4 years i really do not like that i can’t connect to a tv and i don’t have my own pair of controllers to take over to friends houses.

so i was going to ask my gramma to buy the switch and i was going to pay her back. but then i wanted to use klarna to buy it myself completely and build credit, but then klarna didn’t like how i have no credit.

so i was going to buy it on amazon all at once anyway. and the listing for an oled was something like $345, and then when i kept going in and out of my cart it changed to $314 in my cart and on the checkout page. but the actual listing page still said $345 or whatever it was. i was going nuts.

before i went to check out for nearly $400, i thought about a credit card again, and about how i should get one sooner rather than later.

i did some research and now i’m getting a discover student chrome or whatever it’s called, and it’s getting here in 3-9 days, then i need to activate it.

i’m planning on using the credit card then paying the bill as soon as possible. and only buying things that i know i have the cash for.

the bank i have keeps telling me i’m pre approved for their card, but the apr is 29.99% and although it shouldn’t be so bad because i’m planning on paying everything right away, in the event i don’t i don’t want to be costed more. i looked up what credit cards are best for students and it said the capital one savor one or the discover it student cards. capital one didn’t pre approve me, so fuck me i guess.

discover liked me so i’m getting that card. and it’s in the mail for 3-9 business days and then i can activate it. before i was really into getting my new switch as soon as possible, but i took a breath and said out loud that i don’t need it right away, and that i left my island for two years and three months and everything was fine and i have the backup to transfer my island over and it should work. and i can just use amiibo again if villagers leave.

and i was thinking about that i could play the new songs and modules i downloaded recently for pjd. after some more thinking, i just bought a new dot journal (my old planner which was half used wasn’t the best fit, i determined) and i want to fill it out one page at a time.

so i can write out spending, budget goals, and as i was planning this i thought about including my walking goals. and on the way to the store i was thinking about including other stuff to track progress, because i think if i get to fill in my progress on paper it will be more motivating than filling it in on an app tracker or whatever. we’re using gamifying design principles people.

and after leaving the store (i went in there to pick up my prescription for new pills) i was thinking about decorating the cover with an oranges motif (bc i really enjoy the citrus motif notebooks and planners i see when i look at stores), and that i could draw some oranges on the front couple pages also and i got happy.

and i was thinking that i don’t need an additional notebook to journal in because i can write that online (here). i’m feeling better now. earlier today at work i wasn’t feeling well and i was considering holding my laptop bag in front of me while i worked like a body pillow. i was proud of myself for showing up.

i do have a meeting tomorrow 3-4, and normally i’m only in 8-12 ish. and then there’s a company wide meeting 4-5 that i originally wasn’t going to go to bc i’m not in at that time.

but i’ve decided i’m going to work tomorrow 8-11 like normal, have an hour for lunch, then come back and work the rest of the day. this should help my hours from last week where i didn’t get any hours for the fourth. and i want to do this, but i’m still feeling did8difjfnfurieks about it.

also yesterday my mom and i went to southridge and she parked in the takeout curbside parking spot and i didn’t want her to bc we were going shopping and i didn’t want her to get a ticket. so she started backing up (a one way lane in a parking lot) and she wasn’t looking at the other side of the car and she backed into the rear bumper of a lincoln. she said that their bumbler was real crunchy, but the couple was grateful we left a note and the guy said “this is why we pay for insurance”. our bumper had some red and white paint on it, and i cleaned it and now it has some scratches left over, but nothing real crunchy.

we left a note and went inside and my mom got her food that she wanted. but i started crying because if i hadn’t made her move she would have hit the car. then the people she hit called her and she went outside to do whatever with the insurance. and she came back inside and she was pretty cheerful but i was still very upset. and then i wanted to hold her hand as we went up the escalator and she was trying to tell me that it wasn’t my fault and that she wasn’t angry or upset or screaming at me.

but it was hard to get back to normal after that. when we got home i cleaned the paint of the car, and then i put up the final piece of netting on the little hat part of my grammas new gazebo.

i’d already put up the curtains and the regular netting, and then i fixed the netting bc i’d put up half of it wrong, and we were gonna have my brother or my dad put up the top part.

but i put it up. the very top piece is velcroed on which i found interesting but smart. anyways that’s my story. i’m going to set up my new journal