- added social gamification paper
- added the pea and the princess paper
- got code for v2 of garf page
- added some paintings I made for my mom and gramma to art page
- added a resource site link
- started coding garf page
- updated some stuff on about page
- focus is on my portfolio site rn but i updated the redbubble link bc redbubble took down my other account :((
- added section for papers i wrote to sitemap
- added conspiracy theory paper
- added contextualizing 1904 worlds fair paper
- added early america paper
- added paper about the wall
- added paper about om shanti om
- created space on writing page to link to papers
- wrote a blog post!!!
- updated title of writing nav on not found page
- recoded my art page, also added sketches
- fixed link to art on about page
- added more stuff to windows gallery page
- added some gifs to other gifs
- added more backgrounds
- made queer gallery page
- added some blinkies
- reorderd some gallery pages by alphabetical order
- added page about ux
- added page of things i am against
- fixed missing brackets on sitemap page
- made page for autism posters and stickers. wrote alot about the thing with my eyes that was going on
- fixed home links on romand pages
- recoded ads page
- fixed all images in romand pages
- recoded blinkies stamps and buttons page
- addes some cool sites
- added navlink
- added a button and blinkie
- added some sparklies i missed to the page
- added windows gallery page
- added another cool site
- added rover to index page <3
- recoded 3d guys gallery page
- recoded animated text gallery page
- recoded backgrounds gallery page
- removed background on numerous gifs
- recoded dividers gallery page
- recoded miku gallery page
- recoded scene gallery page
- fixed some broken links in romand pages
- recoded sparklies gallery page
- recoded other gifs gallery page
- jesus fuck it's time to get off the computer and go to bed
- uploaded almost everything to neocities, ran into issues with large file sizes
- added a todo list on home page
- it's really fucking time to go to bed
- 404 page for things in more folers doesn't load the css for some reason
- fixed all 404 pages now i understand how to code them finally lol
- i prommy once i upload this update html to neocities i am closing my laptop
- recoded articles/writing page
- recoded all the articles
started blog pages
- recoded gallery page, didn't start on any of the actual gallery pages
- fully recoded homepage
- recoded credits page
- recoded about page & made updates
- recoded cool links page
- recoded cool videos page
- recoded cbox
- recoded webrings
- recoded link to me button, changed the textbox
- recoded neolink
- spent lo long trying to recode the flexbox for the 'find me in other places' and 'updates' and i cannot get the window css to fill out the entire div that's being stretched so i fucking gave up
- recoded the top window on the homepage
- recoded about section for home page
- recoded header, now all images are in the css for the divs
- this will make it easier to code when making pages in new folders
- recoded 404 page, paused all the gifs just in case
- fixed flames in header when window resizes
- planned out sitemap and made sitemap page
- started recoding site
- the images for the minimize, windowed and close are now in divs!!!
- this will make it easier to code when making pages in new folders
- reorganized images in file explorer for new site
- got a start to a cleaner style sheet
- coded new index page
- added new hover shadow to make index button to proceed look cooler
- added links to redbubble, yt and tumblr that have been missing like the whole time the site has been live
- added a line of code to hopefully make the site work on mobile
- removed dance party page
- updated some songs on my about me page
- updated abed link on main page
- removed the autoplay player for midi
- it was my birthday yesterday!! i updated my age on my about page
- fixed midi playe + now on 5 main pagesr
- added dance party page
- added more gifs to galleries
- updated warning on landing page
- added dance party page to sitemap
- working on adding midi player
- added midi player source to credits
- made a neolink and bannerlink ad
- belive i'm part of bucket webring
- made custom buttons for bucket webrinng bc the default ones weren't working
- added credits for the gradient animation
- fixed links on other gifs pages
- now part of the null webring
- added another ad
- added content warning at top w new gif
- added more blinkies and buttons
- added new cool site
- added a link to resouces
- made other gifs pages
- fixed a link on the sitemap
- added an imvu ad
- added a piece of art to my art collection
- added image grow on collections on hover
- addeed more ads
- added paintings to my art collection
- added banner link on ads page
- made the articles page flex
- made a thing on the main page better flex
- rearranged stuff on homepage
- added status cafe to main pages about lil side thing
- added blurb about ux to about page
- added the second and third pages of collections pages to sitemap
- added a buttom
- added an image to scene collection
- added more 3d guys
- added a page about my cats under about
- removed an ad that had full penis and ass in it that i missed somehow when i downloaded it?? idk
- changed warning page
- did some work changing images in construction box on main page to flex
- added sonic layout and cursor to credits page
- added neolink to homepage
- added padding to updates html so it looks nicer in the box on the main page
- added 2 more cool videos
- fixed link to ads page on the scroll on main page
- added some images on main page
- updated top of about page w flex and content
- made some external links open in new tabs
- updated all external links on cool links page open in new tabs
- made some updates to media queries and images for the about page
- made the collections page all flex boxes. if you have a div class that starts with a number, like '3', then any style information you have is completely ignored. like fuck me, personally, for naming my class for a 3 column flex thing something that starts with a 3. fuck you yourself. i first changed the class name to 'fuckers' and it worked. so idk dawg. maybe if someone competent had taught me appropriate for this decade then maybe i would know what to do before having to find remotely understandable documentation for features i didn't know about. i hate coding.
- made folders and shit in the neocities editor and uploaded files
- fixed broken image on about page
- added links to some buttons on the blinkies page 😈
- fixed text color on sonic page
- fixed cursor on sonic page
- fixed link in 404 page when i added a site warning that i missed somehow??
- added a 404 page for the new directories
- back button isn't showing up on gallery pages?? IDK why. checked developer options and the code is there on the live site. the directory is correct. idk why. shows up in dreamweaver too.
- fixed spelling in file link in collections page (i put the link as sparklies but the file name is sparkles)
- embedded video on donnie article
- fixed broken image on jean claude article
- changed the image size for one of the images in the autism period article
- fixed broken image on true crime article
- fixed the directories for the cool videos page which i forgot to do apparently??
- fixed spelling error for sparklies and sparkles on sitemap
- added more stamps
- made a new stamp
- updated directories for garf images
- updated directories for about pages
- updated articles directories on sitemap
- i should have listend to my information architecture professor and come up with my sitemap ahead of time bc changing the directories for the pages i'm moving SUCKS ASS
- updated a footer link i forgot about when i added a site warning
- updated directories for links pages
- updated directories for links i forgot about for about pages
- updated some directories for collections
- i have so many index.html files now and dreamweaver just says index.html in the tabs. how am i supposed to know which one is which
- updated directories for sonic pages
- updated more links on sitemap from when i added a site warning
- updated the one gallery page's directories... good thing i didn't make them all flex before i decided to update the directories so then i can do them at the same time at least
- updated flex and directories for all 3d guys gifs
- updated flex and directories for text gifs
- updated flex and directories for ads
- updated flex and directories for art page
- updated flex and directories for backgrounds
- redid the blinkies, stamps & buttons page
- updated flex and directories for dividers
- updated flex and directories for miku page
- updated flex and directories for scene page
- updated flex and directories for sparklies page
- fixed double mentos video
- added sonic and garf pages to sitemap
- started to make gallery pages flex instead of the stupid tables
- fixed spelling on updates
- adding folders for html pages as the number of pages increases
- fixed change of directory for all article pages
- added another cool site
- added sonic images
- added more stamps, blinkies and buttons (also made an original stamp!!)
- p much finished sonic page
- added couple more ads to the ads page
- made a new blinkie
- added more sites to cool links
- added more stamps & blinkies
- started sonic page
- added AMAZING music video to cool videos page
- fleshed out garf page
- i'm on the auti webring!!!
- created garf page & added layout to credits page
- fixed spelling errors in the index page
- added paragraph in index about my inability to make a screen reader read my site
- fixed spelling error in top bar marquee
- fixed header logo link to go to main page
- added alt text to all blinkies, stamps and buttons
- made a page for amazing videos linked via the cool links page
- made the page for ads collection & put it on the homepage
- added a page for my art in collections
- added more blinkies, stamps and buttons
- fixed links to main on sitemap and not found pages
- fixed links to amazing videos page
- added a landing page for the site with warning for flashing images
- updated all internal links that went to index.html to go to main.html
- fixed spelling mistake on credtis page
- i know there's a spelling mistake on a different page but i forgot where it was i was tired
- made personal email for the site
- fixed link to blinkies on collections page
- added cursor sparkles to credits
- changed colum widths to 25% on 3D guys pages and miku pages
- made a website button and added it to main pages
- applied for auti webring!!!
- fixed 'find me in other places' window from overlapping guestbook window on certain media queries
- fixed (AGAIN) 'find me in other places' window from overlapping guestbook window on certain media queries
- added some cool links
- published new layout/site to neocities!!
- made articles page
- converted 9 articles
- added a few extra images to some galleries
- created sitemap and credits pages
- finished up about page
- started 'things i am against'
- made gallery page with links
- added pages for scene and glitter gifs
- beginning of about page done, still working on it
- added chatbox
- figured out the table dividing the chat window and the other window (and made it responsive)
- added pages for 3d gifs and text gifs
- made a new layout (more fun but prob not last layout)
- added blinkies